Kamis, 16 Oktober 2008

Restricting sleep increases Body Weight

It’s based on the journal that we’ve to read before ‘Nutrition’ Exam.

“ Researchers have found an association between sleep duration, leptin, and ghrelin levels. They found sleep restriction decreased leptin levels. They also found that sleep duration influenced weight. People who slept less than 8 h in duration had increases in BMI proportional to the sleep deficit. The mechanism that appeared to be responsible for this gain in BMI were decrease in leptin levels and high levels of ghrelin stimulate the appetite.”

Tergantung orang kali yaa….
Saya tidur bisa lebih dari 8 jam, tapi teteuuuppppppp aja gemuk!!
Wakakakaa…. :P :P

Intinya sih gini, santai2 aja mo lembur, tapi gak usah menuruti keinginan si Ghrelin ini untuk makan.
Mendingan juga dengerin musik kan……….

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